Today April 27, Fedora 34 was released: Fedora Linux 34 is officially here! - Fedora Magazine.
You can upgrade your existing installation of Fedora 33 with the following steps.
First, if you are in Windows 1903 or newer first backup your installation:
wsl --export fedoraremix fedoraremix33_backup.tar.gz
Then proceed:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo rpm --import https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/fedora-repos/blob/rawhide/f/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-34-primary
sudo dnf install distribution-gpg-keys
sudo dnf system-upgrade --allowerasing --skip-broken download --releasever=34
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
At this point, it will raise an error, ignore it, and execute the following commands:
sudo dnf system-upgrade upgrade
sudo dnf -y autoremove
sudo dnf -y clean all
sudo mandb
cat /etc/fedora-release
For Windows Insider Preview Build 21362+
If you have the latest insider version, you can use WSLg in Fedora Remix. Let’s follow some steps so you can squeeze the best of this technology.
WSLg installation
Once you have upgraded your Windows Insider to at least build 21362, you will need to upgrade your WSL installation.
Be sure that Fedora Remix for WSL is already running in WSL 2. If not, first switch it with wsl --set-version fedoraremix 2. Then run wsl --shutdown
Upgrade WSL running wsl --update from an elevated command prompt or PowerShell. And restart WSL with wsl --shutdown.
Installing the graphic driver in Windows
It recommended running WSLg on a system with virtual GPU (vGPU) enabled for WSL so you can benefit from hardware-accelerated OpenGL rendering. You can find a preview driver supporting WSL from each of our partners below.
For more information: GitHub - microsoft/wslg: Enabling the Windows Subsystem for Linux to include support for Wayland and X server related scenarios
Tune Fedora Remix for WSL
Upgrade Fedora Remix for WSL
After enabling WSLg support you will need to run the upgrade script again in order to have installed the accelerated GPU support:
Enable D-Bus
Many Linux apps rely on D-Bus to work properly. This support is installed in Fedora Remix for WSL running:
sudo dnf install dbus dbus-x11
Install your beloved GUI app using dnf, for example:
sudo dnf install terminator
It will create a Start Menu shortcut for it called in this case Terminator (fedoraremix)
Enjoy it!