Upgrade Fedora Remix for WSL to 32


You can upgrade your existing installation of Fedora 31 with the following steps. To do a fresh install just run wsl --unregister fedoraremix and run fedoraremix.exe again:

First, if you are in Windows 1903 or newer first backup your installation:

wsl --export fedoraremix fedoraremix31_backup.tar.gz

Then proceed:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade --allowerasing --skip-broken download --releasever=32
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

At this point, it will raise an error, ignore it, and execute the following commands:

sudo dnf system-upgrade upgrade
sudo dnf -y autoremove
sudo dnf -y clean all
sudo mandb
cat /etc/fedora-release

If you face an error like: "Failed to obtain the transaction lock (logged in as root).". Run this:


And repeat the last command that you attempted and keep following the steps.