Upgrade Fedora Remix for WSL to 33


You can upgrade your existing installation of Fedora 32 with the following steps.

First, if you are in Windows 1903 or newer first backup your installation:

wsl --export fedoraremix fedoraremix32_backup.tar.gz

Then proceed:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo rpm --import https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/fedora-repos/blob/rawhide/f/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-33-primary
sudo dnf install distribution-gpg-keys
sudo dnf system-upgrade --allowerasing --skip-broken download --releasever=33
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

At this point, it will raise an error, ignore it, and execute the following commands:

sudo dnf system-upgrade upgrade
sudo rpm --rebuilddb
sudo dnf -y autoremove
sudo dnf -y clean all
sudo mandb
cat /etc/fedora-release


If you face an error like: "Failed to obtain the transaction lock (logged in as root).". Run this:


And repeat the last command that you attempted and keep following the steps.