New Fedora Remix for WSL 31.4.1 released with a new upgrade script

We released a new version of Fedora Remix for WSL, and these are the improvements:

  • Now dbus-daemon is automatically launched if it is installed. Applications like Terminator or MATE desktop won’t need further configuration besides installing the package.

  • A problem was fixed when the Windows home folder is a shared network drive.

  • WSLU was upgraded to 3.0 giving many improvements and a fix in shortcut generation command wslusc.

  • A new is included to ease the upgrade process.

Existing users can update immediately by running:

$ curl "" | bash

After that, you only need to run


each time that you want to keep your distro up to date.

Also, if you find an issue with dnf try first running this:


Thank you to all the contributors and issue reporters that helped in shaping this new version.
