Fedora Remix for WSL 30.1 Released

Fedora Remix for WSL 30.1 has been released as the first build of Fedora Remix for WSL from Fedora 30 packages.

30.1 includes the following changes:

  • Fresh build from the latest Fedora 30 packages.

  • It is no longer necessary to call dbus-uuidgen on installation.

  • glibc-langpack-en is installed by default to make locale stop complaining and glyphs in shells like fish appear correctly.

30.1 will be available in the Microsoft Store in the next 24-48 hours here.

Signed builds for side-loading can be downloaded here.

Fedora Remix for WSL supports both x86_64 and arm64 devices.

The Chocolatey package of Fedora Remix for WSL will be updated to Fedora 30 packages when version Fedora Remix for WSL 30.2 is released.

Existing Fedora Remix for WSL users can upgrade to Fedora 30 packages using:

$ sudo dnf upgrade --releasever=30 

File bug reports here.

